
Caitlin O’Connor

Caitlin O’Connor, Service Desk Assistant at Silver Cloud


What attracted you to Silver Cloud?

I was a young girl straight out of school and was looking for a new challenge. With Silver Cloud being a smaller but growing business, I felt it would be a great place to progress my skills and gain good experience in the workplace.


What are your impressions so far?

My first impressions were great, everyone was so welcoming and it was a really positive environment to work in. I quickly felt part of the team. And I still feel a valued member of the team, and enjoy working in Silver Cloud.


What is your job title?

Service Desk Assistant.


What does your role involve?

My role involves taking calls from customers, raising a service ticket, and dealing with any service requests or faults. I will either action the ticket myself, pass it to an engineer, or raise it to an external supplier.


What is the biggest challenge you face?

I would say the biggest challenge I face day-to-day just now is staying social with the team while working from home. When in the office I have a good relationship with most of my colleagues, and it is difficult to keep in contact with everyone while working from home.


What are you reading at the moment?

Ferne Cotton’s book ‘Happy’.


If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?

I would love to be able to have a dinner with Freddie Mercury. His life just seemed so interesting, and of course I’d love a post-dinner concert.


What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to spend time with my boyfriend, family and friends, and to plan fun nights for us all. Of course, we haven’t been able to do much recently, but I’ve enjoyed using the time to plan different ways for the people in my bubble to have fun and enjoy our weekends.

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